2016 Volume 11, no.2
Author(s): Albert Ivancic
Field: Supramolecular chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 17-25
Keywords: alginate, chitosan, antimicrobial system, ionotropic gelation, drug.
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Graphical Abstract: Present work outlines the main synthetic approaches for the preparation of antimicrobial systems based on alginate (1) and chitosan (2) polymers as well as identifies potential areas of their application. Various techniques used for preparation, applications and usefulness of these systems as carriers of antimicrobial compounds are also discussed.
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Author(s): Mihai Ciobanu, Victor Botan, Tudor Lupascu, Tatiana Mitina, Maria Rusu
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 26-33
Keywords: adsorption, strontium ions, modified activated carbon.
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Graphical Abstract: Adsorption of strontium ions from aqueous solutions on active carbons CAN-7 and oxidized CAN-8 has been studied. Obtained results showed that the adsorption isotherms for strontium ions from aqueous solutions are well described by the Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich equations, respectively. The surface heterogeneity of activated carbons CAN-7 and oxidized CAN-8 has been assessed by using Freundlich equation.

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Author(s): Fatih İslamoğlu, Özlem Buçan, Oktay Torul, Naciye Erdoğan
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 34-45
Keywords: soil samples, macroelements, microelements, pH, organic matter.
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Graphical Abstract: During of 2014 year, 60 soil samples at the point of 30 soil samples in the spring and 30 soil samples in autumn were taken from the locality of Fındıklı, Pazar and Sabuncular, where cultivation of green tea has been made in Rize (Turkey). The value of pH, organic matter content, and macro- and microelements amount were determined in sampled soils and the seasonal changes were investigated.
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Author(s): Iryna Laguta, Teteiana Fesenko, Oksana Stavinskaya, Oksana Dzjuba, Lesya Shpak
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 46-51
Keywords: Stevia leaves extract, silver nanoparticles colloid, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial properties.
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Graphical Abstract: Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) extracts prepared from various types of raw material (leaves of plants grown ex situ and in vitro and callus culture) were found to contain different amounts of bioactive substances and differ from each other by antioxidant/reducing and antimicrobial properties and by activity in synthesis of silver nanoparticles colloids.
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Author(s): Inna Seifullina, Elena Martsinko, Elena Chebanenko, Olha Pirozhok, Viktoriya Dyakonenko, Svitlana Shishkina
Field: Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 52-57
Keywords: germanium(IV) compound, citric acid, 2,2’-bipyridine, copper(II) complex, structure.
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Graphical Abstract: The crystalline compounds (Hbipy)2[Ge(HCitr)2]•2H2O (1) and [CuCl(bipy)2]2[Ge(HCitr)2]•8H2O (2) (where H4Citr is citric acid, bipy is 2,2ʹ-bipyridine) were obtained for the first time and their structures were determined by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. The two compounds were characterized by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric (TGA) and elemental analyses. In both compounds complex bic(citrato)germanate anion is formed, protonated 2,2'-bipyridine molecule and [Cu(bipy)2Cl]+ complex are cations in 1 and 2, respectively.

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Author(s): Demet Gürbüz, Aydin Tavman, Adem Cinarli, Ismail Boz
Field: Organic chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 58-67
Keywords: dimethoxyphenylbenzimidazoles, spectral characterization, density functional theory, charge distribution, geometry optimization.
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Graphical Abstract: 5,6-Dichloro/dimethyl-2-(2´,3´/2´,4´/2´,5´/3´,4´/3´,5´-dimethoxyphenyl)-1H-benzimidazoles were synthesized and characterized experimentally and theoretically. The optimized molecular geometry, zero point energy, dipole moment, ESE and charge distributions were calculated by Gaussian 09 using DFT method. The calculated energy values with ZPE correction and DFT show that the methyl derivatives are more stable than the chloro forms.

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Author(s): Nourallah Hazeri, Razieh Doostmohammadi, Belgheis Adrom, Mojtaba Lashkari, Malek Taher Maghsoodlou
Field: Organic chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 68-73
Keywords: three-component reaction, dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates, furan-2(5H)-ones, aldehydes, barberry juice.
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Supplementary Material (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: An eco-friendly and environmentally benign synthesis of 3,4,5-substituted furan-2(5H)-ones employing Iranian seedless barberry or zereshk (Berberis integerrima ‘Bidaneh’, Berberidaceae) as a biocatalyst was developed. The merits of this method include the environmentally friendly reaction conditions, simple operation, broad substrate, satisfied yields and generate less waste than the conventional chemical reagents.

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Author(s): Dalila Badis, Zoubir Benmaamar, Othmane Benkortbi, Houcine Boutoumi, Houria Hamitouche, Amele Aggoun
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 74-83
Keywords: Retama raetam, methylene blue, removal, modelling, adsorption.
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Graphical Abstract: The feasibility of using Retama raetam, for the cationic dye (methylene blue) adsorption from simulated aqueous solution, has been investigated as a low cost and an eco-friendly adsorbent. The methylene blue maximum adsorption occurred at pH 8 and the lowest adsorption occurred at pH 2. The apparent equilibrium was reached after 120 min. Adsorption modelling parameters for Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were determined and, based on R2, various error distribution functions.

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Author(s): Keivan Akhtari, Keyumars Hassanzadeh, Bahareh Fakhraei, Ghazal Akhtari
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 84-92
Keywords: second-harmonic generation, FDDNP, near-infrared, QTAIM.
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Graphical Abstract: In this study, we have shown that FDDNP as a functional fluorescent biomarker has high performance in near-infrared region. The best predicted working wavelength belongs to Ti:sapphire laser (880 nm). The employed near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths reduce scattering and maximize tissue penetration.
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Author(s): Tudor Spataru, Francisco Fernandez, Joseph W. Sista, Petru Spataru, Igor Povar
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 93-98
Keywords: poisonous pesticides, organic chlorides, electrochemistry, DFT, carbon-chloride bonds.
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Graphical Abstract: Geometry optimizations at the UBP86/6-311++G** level of electronic structure theory have been performed for DDT, β-hexachlorocyclohexane, and heptachlor organic polychlorides and their positive and negative ions. The geometry optimization of the obtained neutral intermediate molecules after the first and second reducing by two electrons show that the electrochemical dehalogenation of the organic poychlorides is sequential.

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