Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2011 Volume 6, no.2


M. Gavagnin, V. Kulcitki

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 7-8
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Moldovan chemists hosted the Italian partners in Chisinau and organized in premiere for the last 20 years an international seminar devoted to the chemistry of natural products. The seminar’s motto: New Frontiers in the Chemistry of Natural Products has addressed numerous students and researchers acting in the fields of chemistry, biology, pharmacy, genetics, biophysics as well as specialists from the R&D sector of companies with chemico-pharmaceutical profile. Following multiple solicitations coming from seminar audience, made us provide in the current issue of the  “Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry” a condensed abstract of the seminar presentations. We do really hope that our joint event will give further impetus to our collaboration and will also motivate other researchers from Moldova to develop partnerships with European colleagues.

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M. L. Ciavatta

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 9-12
Keywords: NMR techniques, natural products, marine compounds.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The topic of the seminar held in the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 30th September in the frame of the joint Moldo-Italian seminar “New frontiers in natural product chemistry”, concerned the use of NMR techniques in the elucidation of natural products. Step by step, two marine compounds (Fulvyne C and Tritoniopsin A) belonging to different chemical classes have been analyzed, by using suitable NMR experiments. This powerful technique allowed the elucidation of compounds as fulvynes, long chain polyacetylenes with the same functional groups but differently located in the chain, as well as tritoniopsins, cyclic diterpenes with a new skeleton, providing further information on their relative and absolute stereochemistry.

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A. Ciocarlan, P. F. Vlad, M. Coltsa, C. Edu, A. Biriiac, A. Nicolescu and C. Deleanu

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 13-15
Keywords: natural product chemistry, larixol, sclareol.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The current communication represents an extended abstract of the presentation delivered on the joint Moldo-Italian seminar “New frontiers in natural product chemistry”, held in the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 30 September. An overview of the synthetic methods oriented to the synthesis of C6 and C7 functionalized euryfurans is provided.

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T. Cotelea

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 16-18
Keywords: Cannabis compounds, metabolism, pharmacological action, phisico-chemical analysis.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The current communication includes a general overview of the scientific interest and medicianl chemistry aspects of Cannabis compounds. It relates to metabolism, pharmacological action and phisico-chemical analysis of these compounds, as well as of some isomers differing in spatial arrangement of functional groups.

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Margherita Gavagnin

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 19-23
Keywords: natural product chemistry, marine opisthobranch molluscs, bioactive molecules.
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Graphical Abstract: 
The current communication is an extended abstract of the presentation delivered on the joint Moldo-Italian seminar “New frontiers in natural product chemistry”, held in the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 30th September. An overview of the recent studies conducted by our group on opisthobranch molluscs from distinct geographical areas is briefly presented.

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Veaceslav Kulciţki

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 24-26
Keywords: natural product chemistry, diterpenoids.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The current communication represents an extended abstract of the presentation delivered on the joint Moldo-Italian seminar “New frontiers in natural product chemistry”, held in the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 31 September. An overview of the synthetic methods oriented to the synthesis of functionalized terpenic perhydrindanes is provided. Different synthetic strategies are considered, including those based on  biomimetic approach. The array of obtained new structures can serve as leads in structure-activity studies as well as useful building blocks towards other perhydrindanes.

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Emiliano Manzo, Maria Letizia Ciavatta, Dario Pagano and Angelo Fontana

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 27-29
Keywords: Glycolipids, bio-medical applications, galactosyldiacylglycerols.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The current communication represents an extended abstract of the presentation delivered on the joint Moldo-Italian seminar “New frontiers in natural product chemistry”, held in the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 30 September. A simple and efficient strategy for the synthesis of galactoglycerolipids is provided.

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Nicon Ungur

Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 30-35
Keywords: marine natural products, terpenoids; glycerol; scalaranes, cheilanthanes, sesterterpenoids, cyclizations, superacids, rearrangements, synthesis.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The paper presents an outline of the synthesis of some natural terpenoids of marine origine having diverse carbocyclic skeletons: labdanic, isocopalic, scalaranic, cheilanthanic, drimanic, sacculatanic. Schemes – 6, figures - 2. Bibliographic references – 35.

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Valerian Cerempei

Field: Analytical chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 36-44
Keywords: mixture, butanol, ethanol, corrosion, gasoline, resistance, triethylamine.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The paper studies the corrosive activity of the monatomic alcohol (ethanol, butanol) - gasoline mixtures on the materials from which the internal combustion engines are made. The corrosive influence of these blends was determined in dependence of their composition. It was established that the addition of butanol and triethylamine in the ethanol-gasoline mixture essentially reduces the corrosive activity of this mixture.

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Tatiana Mitina, Nadejda Bondarenko, Oxana Bunciuc

Field: Analytical chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 45-47
Keywords: mineral waters, microelements, atomic absorption spectrometry.
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Graphical Abstract: 
The content of copper and zinc in mineral waters were determined by atomic spectroscopy with preliminary extraction of metals. Validation of the technique was carried out by the method of standard additions and proved the reliability of analytical data.

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